Jasper Server installation from war Distribution.

Jasper reports server can be installed with the ready installer package ,which is very easy task. But if you want to run it on your own application server you can install it from the war distribution. 

Pre-Installation alert : Since the jasper server use many AJAX tools for UI, it requires more run time memory . The inbuilt server in the installer package is fine tuned for best performance. So its advisable to increase the pergem space of your server to get the best performance. 

Download the following .

1) The Jasper reports server 5.0 war distribution can be downloaded from the following link

2) Database Driver . I used Mysql.
 Download the JDBC driver, mysql-connector-java-5.1.23-bin.jar 

3) Application server . Here i used Tomcat application server 7.x.x.

Set up JAVA_HOME in the environment variable

Setting up Environment variable in windows 

Adding it to the class path 
we can install the server in two ways 
1) Manual 
2) Automatic installation 
To install the jasper from WAR distribution using the manual buildomatic steps:-
1) Extract the war in the desired location.
2) Copy the Mysql driver to the following location in the extracted distribution. 

                <extracted location>/buildomatic/conf_source/db/mysql/jdbc.
3) Copy mysql_master.properties file from <extracted location>/buildomatic/sample_conf and paste it to
     <extracted location>/buildomatic and rename it to default_master.properties.
4Edit default_master.properties file and change the following settings of database server and application server   according to your system.

    appServerDir=[path to tomcat application server]

5) Open the Cmd prompt as Administrator (in windows ) SU (in Linux) and direct it to the jasper server extracted location \builddomatic and run the following commands.
js-ant create-js-db
Creates the Jasper Reports Server repository database
js-ant create-sugarcrm-db
js-ant create-foodmart-db
Creates the Jasper Reports Server and sample databases
js-ant load-sugarcrm-db

js-ant load-foodmart-db
js-ant update-foodmart-db
Loads sample data into the sample databases.
js-ant init-js-db-ce

js-ant import-minimal-ce
Initializes database, loads core application data.

Community edition
js-ant import-sample-data-ce
Loads the demos that use the sample data
Community edition
js-ant deploy-webapp-ce
Configures and deploys the WAR file to Tomcat
Commercial edition
js-ant init-js-db-pro

js-ant import-minimal-pro
Initializes database, loads core application data.
 Professional edition
js-ant import-sample-data-ce
Loads the demos that use the sample data
professional edition
js-ant deploy-webapp-pro
Configures and deploys the WAR file to Tomcat

6) Start the DB server and your application server

Check jasper server in the following link 

Follow the same steps that we followed for manual for setting up the server and use the following commands install

To install the jasper from WAR distribution using the Automatic buildomatic steps:-

cd < extracted location >/buildomatic
js-install.bat (Windows)
./js-install.sh (Linux and Mac OSX)
Installs JasperReports Server, sample data,
and sample databases (foodmart and
js-install.bat minimal (Windows)
./js-install.sh minimal (Linux and Mac OSX)
Installs JasperReports Server, but does not
install sample data and sample databases



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